Starting a new Adventure: Beekeeping
Serafin and I have been in Andalusia for roughly a year now after completing our magical bicycle journey – a trip from Bangkok, Thailand to Seville, Spain. On our bicycles we lived true and unforgettable adventures, embraced the outdoors fully and maybe came back as different people than as we started. We came back with the dream to connect our life a bit closer to nature and searched for a small piece of land. We got lucky and found a perfect place close to El Gastor, next to the mountains of Grazalema. Nothing could hold us back now and with our last savings dove into our next adventure – the art of keeping bees.
The roughly 1,5ha are located beneath the impressive wall of Lagarin, a specially protected area for it’s animal plant species, such as the griffon vultures, eagle owls and diversity of orchids. We were so lucky to find this place, as wildflowers are still in abundance and the use of pesticides is prohibited.
Even our little dog is enjoying the view!
Join us on our blog as we go on a new journey with the bees.
and in case you missed our travel blog, just click on the following website:
beekeeping #apicultura #Mielandalucia #naturalbeekeeping #SierraGrazalema #SierradeCadiz #ladrondemiel
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